Effective solution for your business

Features of the team

  • Attention to details

    Ideological considerations, as well as the beginning of daily work on the formation of a position.

  • Punctuality

    The task of the organization is to bring along.

  • Planning

    Consultation with a broad asset largely determines a good result.

  • Modern technologies

    The significance of there problems is so obvious that the implementation of planned targets directly depends on the modernity of the approach.

What are we doing

  • Создание интернет сайта Desktop applications
  • Оптимизация сайта для просмотра с телефона Mobile applications
  • Подбор цветовой схемы для сайта Design solutions

Our team

  • Photo Igor Demianenko

    Igor Demianenko

    Product Designer

  • Photo Olga Repina

    Olga Repina

    Frontend Developer

  • Photo Nikolai Tarasov

    Nikolai Tarasov


  • Photo Mihail Ermakov

    Mihail Ermakov

    UI Designer

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